Private Medical Insurance

Why take out individual health insurance?
Becoming ill is stressful enough without having to worry about lengthy NHS queues for treatment. Private medical insurance can give you peace of mind, knowing that you won’t have to wait for diagnosis, procedures or care. The cost of private treatment will be covered.
Why take out family health insurance?
Protecting your family is a priority for all parents, and private medical insurance can provide peace of mind that you and your children won’t have to wait for any treatment they might need if they become ill.
Different types of cover
Policies for individuals needn’t be expensive, and you can choose the level of cover you require.
Some plans only cover treatment while you are in hospital, while others will also provide outpatient help. With most private medical insurance policies, individuals pay a monthly premium and the policy will then pay out, up to specified cover limits, for any treatment you might need.
There are also health cash plans. These will contribute towards your routine healthcare costs and work by paying out a cash sum whenever you visit a dentist or other medical practitioner, such as a chiropodist or optician, which you can spend on what you want. With some policies you can also include Worldwide Travel cover.
What else you should know
Premiums on medical insurance policies tend to get higher the older you are. Many policies charge an excess – the portion of any insurance policy you must pay yourself. For those looking for more comprehensive cover, but who still want to keep costs down, one option is to choose a medical insurance policy which offers a wider range of benefits but which enables you to select a higher excess.